Well Balanced Registered Massage Therapy is located in the Muskoka Wellness Co. building. Please have a seat in the waiting area.
Well Balanced Registered Massage Therapy is located INSIDE the Muskoka Wellness Co. building.
Important NOTICE!
The Bay and Beyond Construction will impact our area and starting the week of June 5th 2024.
Please allow yourself enough travel time to make it to your scheduled appointment. You can find more information at https://www.engagemuskoka.ca/bayandbeyond.
At this time, I am asking for clients to be on time for their appointment. I will try to accommodate late-comers as best as possible, but the time will be taken from your scheduled treatment session. I can not compromise on the quality and timely care provided to my other clients. All clients are encouraged to arrive at the clinic at least 10 minutes prior.
I appreciate your understanding.